
Caryl Glenn Marsh (1939-2013)

Glenn Marsh was born in Bracken County, KY to Gilbert and Edna (Mattox) Marsh on October 12, 1939. He spent his youth as a farmer. He attended high school in Bracken County. He married Claire Boudrias on September 11, 1961 in Washington, DC. He graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1962, and was commissioned a second lieutenant upon graduation from UK and the Army ROTC program. He was a dedicated soldier for 34 years. LTG Marsh began his distinguished career as a soldier in the U.S. Army as a helicopter pilot and parachutist in Wertheim, Germany. He went on to serve two tours in Vietnam where he was a company commander. LTG Marsh completed the Infantry Officer Advanced Course and the Air Command Staff College at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, AL. He became a battalion commander at Ft. Lewis, WA. He attended the Army War College in Carlisle, PA. LTG Marsh then was stationed in Berlin, Germany as Chief of Staff for the Berlin Brigade. He then went to Ft. Lewis, WA as Brigade Commander and then Chief of Staff of I Corps. LTG Marsh was then stationed at Ft. Campbell, KY as Assistant Division Commander of the 101st Airborne Division. While there, he completed the Air Assault Course. LTG Marsh then went on to command the Berlin Brigade in Berlin Germany. Under his watch, the Berlin Wall came down. LTG Marsh then became the division commander of the 2nd Infantry Division in Camp Casey, Korea. Following that, LTG Marsh was the Chief of Staff of FORSCOM at Ft. McPherson, GA and I Corps Commander at Ft. Lewis, WA. -( 14.08.2018)

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Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Caryl Glenn Marsh (1939-2013)
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