
Army recruit

Rekrut (en: recruit, fr:recrue, it:recluta) is the designation of a military appointment, position or status in German-speaking countries and in the 18th and 19th century Russian Empire (see Conscription in the Russian Empire) that characterizes newly recruited or sought personnel during the initial period of the basic military training. However, in some countries, e.g. Austria and Switzerland, Rekrut might be the lowest rank of enlisted men, comparable to NATO OR-1.

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Frankfurt (Oder): Soldaten des Grenadier-Regiments Prinz Carl von Preußen Nr. 12Unbekannter Soldat (Küstrin)Magdeburg: Gruppenbild von Soldaten um 1911Cottbus: Soldaten des Kriegsrekrutendepots des Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 52 (1915)Fotografie: Junger Soldat der Berlin-Brigade bei der Ankunft in Kursk, 4./5. September 1994Fotografie: Neubaugebiet für Offiziersfamilien der Berlin-Brigade, Kursk, vermutlich 5./6. September 1994
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